CARPE DIEM .... Seize the Day, You will never get this day back - be the best you, embrace your life, love your friends and family. Let the world know you are here !!!

Saturday, 4 July 2009

My Beautiful Boy's Ball

This is my Beautiful Boy last night the night of his ball... i am so so so PROUD of him, he has grown into a gorgous man inside and out... I LOVE HIM SO MUCH xxxxxx


Sharon Manning said...

Oh my goodness - What a handsome man! I can just see you now Jen...all fussing over him!

shazdawes said...

Hey babe he has grown into a very good looking young man i bet allthe girls are clawing each others eyes out to get to him ha ha love you lots shaz

Cath said...
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Cath said...

I hope he enjoyed himself he looks fabulous what a looker!!! glad he let you loose with the xxxxx

Jen said...

It was a battle Cath - Im telling ya.... His friend's dad took some of all of them and the limo etc... BUT they are on a little digi that i think noah had when he was a kid! - I would have loved to take them with MY camera - Oh well I have some of HIM plus I will order the photographers ones from the ball as well - I will def post that one.... he has one arm around Jess and the other one around some blonde!!!!

Mel Connell said...

how good does he look Jen!