CARPE DIEM .... Seize the Day, You will never get this day back - be the best you, embrace your life, love your friends and family. Let the world know you are here !!!

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Yes I know..... I am like a thirteen year old screaming teenager when it comes to Shannon Noll (and Vin and Russell and ....... lol)


Sharon and I got to meet him IN REAL LIFE - something we have been waiting for FOR FIVE YEARS !!! - We got hugs and kisses (oh dear I left a lippy mark on his cheek - which of corse then I had to gently wipe off) and we got him to sign us and we had his autograph tattooed on the very next day. below are photos of mine! - THERE IS A FANTASTIC PHOTO OF SHARON WHICH I WILL POST LATER TONIGHT..... It is my fav photo and when you see it you will understand why!

WOOOHOOOO - Him signing me......

My tattoo the next day (yep it looks a bit sore and red in this photo but it has calmed down now!) .... the crown is from his Fan Club shirt and for those of you that know me know I LURVE Crowns, wings, skulls etc......

Will be back later with the more photos

Luv Jen xxx


Cath said...

ouch!!! looks great Jen

Anonymous said...

awesome Jen!! How did it come about that you were lucky enough to meet him? Great pics and the crown looks great above the signature!xx

Anonymous said...

Wow... Jen, just wow... thank god he has a nice signature, and the crown looks good. Works well for you! Looking forward to seeing it in real life soon...

Mis xo

Mel Connell said...

awesome honey!!!!

Marcy Smith said...

The tat looks great. He does have a nice signature!